Wednesday, January 25, 2006


See Michael Cyril Creighton at Galapagos Art Space February 7th

A friend of mine, Mike Creighton, a very funny actor/comedian, will be hosting a show at Galapagos Art Space in Williamsburg on February 7th. I'm posting his announcement below. It's for a very good cause, which he notes. You'll like him.

By the way, you can see this announcement and his hilarious meditations at:


MCC (finally) Has His Way (with Women)
Tues. Feb. 7th @ 8:00pm
Galapagos Art Space, 70 north six street, williamsburg.
Price: $10 at the door.
50% of the proceeds will go to The Nicole duFresne Memorial Scholarship @ Emerson College***.

Comedian/Performer Michael Cyril Creighton has always admired the allure of the "funny female." As a child, during recess, he would walk around with the lunch mother discussing the merits of Carol Burnett, Phyllis Diller and the Ladies of Laugh-In, paying particular attention to Ruth Buzzi and Joanne Worley. He has spent 2 1/2 decades praying for Mattel to make a Madeline Kahn Fashion Doll.

Feb. 7th he hosts an evening of comedy, featuring some of his current favorites:

Desiree Burch
Pat Candaras
Claudia Cogan
Michelle Collins
Becky Yamamoto
and Musical Guest: Erin & Her Cello.

***Nicole duFresne, an Emerson College Alumni, was a fearless and ferocious performer who was murdered last year on the Lower East Side. Emerson has started a scholarship in her name, which will be given to a young woman in the performing arts with a distinct voice and artistic vision. It is my understanding that the scholarship is approx. $6,000 away from being endowed, so even if you can't make the show, please do donate. Donations can be made online at

Other MCC things, more details to come soon:

Jan 27th, 10:30pm- Rage of Aquarius. The Annual Desiree Burch Birthday Performance Extravaganza. Email for details

Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24 @ 8:00pm- SEQUINS FOR SATAN, a new play by Rachel Shukert at Galapagos Art Space

Feb. 21st- Ritalin Reading Series @ Mo Pitkins, 8:30pm.

March 12th@ 8:00pm @ galapagos: GET INSIDE: A Benefit for the World Premiere of RIP ME OPEN

April 10- After School Comedy Show. 7:30, Petes Candy Store

April 7, 14, 21, 28 @ 8:00pm- RIP ME OPEN, a new play created collaboratively by Desiree Burch, Michael Cyril Creighton, Brian Mullan and OBIE Award Winning playwright, Kyle Jarrow.

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